About Us
Our co-founders created IDEAS Generation out of their desire for a community of practice for next-generation DEI/IDEAS leaders.
At IDEAS Generation, we envision a world of diverse, intergenerationally connected change-makers leading communities and organizations in becoming more equitable, inclusive, accessible, and just.
To realize this vision, IDEAS Generation is working toward a vibrant, sustainable DEI ecosystem where:
1. emerging leaders have the skills and support to be successful as well as access to clear professional pathways to meaningful IDEAS jobs and opportunities
2. organizations have reliable internal leaders and external partners to support them on their IDEAS journeys, and
3. the field has replicable and scalable models for talent development, organizational interventions, and innovation - and the means by which to share this knowledge effectively.

The future of IDEAS work, and by extension, the vitality of our organizations and communities lies in empowering Millennial and Gen-Z talent, who represent a growing majority of the workforce and community leadership.
Now more than ever, our organizations and communities need new perspectives, linkages, and ideas to disrupt the systems of inequity and injustice that our generations have inherited. In order to co-create a more just and equitable society, our programs and services support next-gen leaders (teal) and organizations (navy) at the intersection of their most urgent needs: Community, Resources, and Opportunity.

Where formal IDEAS practitioners and rising leaders from all sectors come together for connection, solidarity, and capacity building.
To cultivate the IDEAS workforce of tomorrow to sustain the field with high-impact practitioners.
Expanding and deepening the IDEAS field through sharing insights, speaking engagements, original content & research, and thought leadership.
Leveraging consulting partnerships as professional development opportunities for next generation IDEAS leaders while creating transformation for our nonprofit and social impact clients

We are a global network of emerging IDEAS leaders passionate about innovating the ways we build relationships, organizations, and communities so that everyone can thrive.
Get in Touch
Interested in working with us or want more information? We would love to hear from you!
Please complete the form and someone will get back to you.
Updated: February 2023.
Accessibility is a key underpinning of our IDEAS framework and is central to building a more just society. To make our community and services accessible to as many people as possible, we have invested in resources to help ensure that our website is made easier to use and more accessible for people with disabilities.
Accessibility on www.ideasgeneration.org
Recite Me Web Accessibility and Language Toolbar
Recite Me is innovative cloud-based software that lets visitors view and use our website in a way that works best for them.
We’ve added the Recite Me web accessibility and language toolbar to our website to make it accessible and inclusive for as many people as possible.
It helps one in four people in the US who have a disability, including those with common conditions like sight loss and dyslexia, access our website in the way that suits them best.
It also meets the needs of one in five people in the US who speak a language other than English at home, by translating our web content into over 100 different languages.
IDEAS Generation continues its efforts to constantly improve the accessibility of our site, community, and services. We believe that a future of thriving IDEAS leaders and organizations rests upon all of us having seamless and unhindered access to the community, resources, and opportunities that IG provides.
In an ongoing effort to continually improve and remediate accessibility issues, we also regularly scan our site with UserWay's Accessibility Scanner to identify and fix every possible accessibility barrier on our site. Despite our efforts to make all pages and content fully accessible, some content may not have yet been fully adapted to the strictest accessibility standards. This may be a result of not having found or identified the most appropriate technological solution.
Here For You
If you are experiencing difficulty with any content on www.ideasgeneration.org or require assistance with any part of our site, please contact us and we will be happy to assist.
Recite Me Web Accessibility and Language Toolbar Recite Me is innovative cloud-based software that lets visitors view and use our website in a way that works best for them.
We’ve added the Recite Me web accessibility and language toolbar to our website to make it accessible and inclusive for as many people as possible.
It helps one in four people in the US who have a disability, including those with common conditions like sight loss and dyslexia, access our website in the way that suits them best.
It also meets the needs of one in five people in the US who speak a language other than English at home, by translating our web content into over 100 different languages.
How do I access the Recite Me toolbar?
You can open the Recite Me language and accessibility toolbar by clicking on the icon of a person button in the top right corner of the page.
This button now appears in the top right-hand corner of every page of our website.
After you click on the icon in the right-hand corner of our website the Recite Me toolbar opens and displays a range of different options for customizing the way the website looks and ways you can interact with the content.
How does Recite Me help me access this website?
Recite Me helps people access our website and customize the content in a way that works best for them.
The Recite Me toolbar has a unique range of functions. You can use it to:
· Read website text aloud (including PDFs)
· Download the text as an MP3 file to play it where and when it suits you
· Change font sizes and colors
· Customize background-color
· Translate text into more than 100 different languages
· Access a fully integrated dictionary and thesaurus
You can find out more about how Recite Me works from the Recite Me user guide.
Where can I find support for Recite Me?
If you have any questions about Recite Me you can contact us by email at info@reciteme.com or call us at +1 571 946 4068.
As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, IDEAS Generation (Federal Identification #: 82-4078039) submits an annual filing to the IRS which discloses the organization's finances. This information is publicly available and included here for ease of access. Should you have any questions about our finances, please send us an email at info@ideasgeneration.org.